
Rainbow eucalyptus
Rainbow eucalyptus

have been monitored in catfish (Silva et al., 2021), sea bass, and meager (Bodur et al., 2018). The anesthetic and sedative effects of Eucalyptus sp.

rainbow eucalyptus rainbow eucalyptus

Essential oil of Eucalyptus globulus is rich in 1,8-cineole (Baptista-Silva et al., 2020). In addition, the active components of essential oils such as linaool in common carp, Cyprinus carpio (Taheri Mirghaed et al., 2016 Yousefi et al., 2018, 2019), in silver catfish ( Rhamdia quelen) (Heldwein et al., 2014) were investigated.Įucalyptus belongs to the Myrtaceae family and is cultivated in tropical regions (Santos et al., 1996). basilicum essential oil have been reported in the hybrid tambacu, Piaractus mesopotamicus × Colossoma macropomum (Limma-Netto et al., 2016), juvenile Nile tilapia, Oreochromis niloticus (Limma-Netto et al., 2017), and in the ornamental fish, Amphiprion clarkii (Correia et al., 2017).

rainbow eucalyptus

In fish, anesthetic and sedative effects of O. basilicum essential oil also stands out for its anesthetic and sedative properties (Limma-Netto et al., 2016, 2017 Ventura et al., 2021). basilicum essential oil were methyl chavicol and linalool (Ventura et al., 2020). It is an economically important plant distributed in several regions all over the world (Baritaux et al., 1992). Therefore, they have recently been widely tested as an anesthetic for fish (Hajek, 2011 Ribeiro et al., 2016 Silva et al., 2019).īasil, Ocimum basilicum, is an important essential oil crop and belongs to the Lamiaceae family. There is a growing interest in the use of herbal materials in fish anesthesia because of a wide range of beneficial health effects, including antioxidant, antimicrobial, stress-relieving, and immune-boosting effects (Hoseini, 2011 Hoseini et al., 2019 Salbego et al., 2015 Zahl et al., 2010 Zeppenfeld et al., 2014). Therefore, plant essential oils represent an excellent alternative to replace synthetic products. However, these anesthetics cause undesirable effects such as stressors, gill irritation, hyperactivity, excessive mucus secretion, and are also expensive (Aydın & Barbas, 2020 Gilderhus & Marking, 1987 Hoseini et al., 2021 Palić et al., 2006). The most common anesthetics used in aquaculture are benzocaine, quinaldine, tricaine methanesulphonate (MS-222), and 2-phenoxyethanol (Ananias et al., 2022 Priborsky & Velisek, 2018). globulus essential oils can be used as an effective and safe anesthetic in rainbow trout.Īnesthetics are used in aquaculture to reduce stress and prevent physical injury during handling procedures and transport (Ananias et al., 2022 Hoseini et al., 2021 Yousefi et al., 2022). Consequently, this study demonstrated that O. No pathological finding in gill, liver, and kidney was observed at the histopathological examination. The toxic effects of essential oils for rainbow trout were not found. Anesthesia induction (stage 4) and recovery times were 220.5 and 61 s for this concentration in O. globulus were found as 186 and 117.5 s, respectively. Anesthesia induction (stage 4) and recovery times at this concentration for E.

rainbow eucalyptus

globulus essential oils at 400 mg L −1 dose showed ideal anesthetic effects on rainbow trout. In addition, histopathological effects of the essential oils in fish tissues were determined after deep anesthesia. Acute toxicities of essential oils (10 min LC 50 concentration) on rainbow trout were determined at 70–400 mg L −1. Fish (average 10 g) were exposed to 20, 50, 70, 100, 150, 200, 300, 400, 500, and 600 mg L −1 essential oils, anesthesia induction, and recovery times were recorded separately for each fish. In this study, anesthetic effects of Ocimum basilicum and Eucalyptus globulus essential oils were investigated on rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss.

Rainbow eucalyptus