
Aws access postgres using psequel
Aws access postgres using psequel


# click the link to open the browser at http: // Start FastAPI uvicorn app.main: app -reload Postgres=# \ copy fit(player, team, season, data_date, points) from 'clean_fit.csv' with DELIMITER ',' CSV HEADER Postgres=# CREATE TABLE fit (id serial, player varchar( 50), team varchar( 50), season varchar( 50), data_date date, points float) In order to test locally without errors, PostgreSQL needs to be installed on your local machine, and the sample data needs to be loaded into a database table.


Clone project and test locally git clone cd fastapi-postgres-aws-lambda # create and activate a virtual environment pip install -r requirements.txt pip install uvicorn Also, ensure that you change the region to your local region. So the name of the bucket you create here will determine the bucket name used in later steps. Please note that S3 bucket names need to be globally unique. create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint= eu-central-1 (2) With the AWS CLI aws s3api create-bucket \ There are two options for creating an S3 bucket.


When we deploy our code with AWS SAM, a zip folder of our code will be uploaded to S3. This name matches role specified in template.yml.

  • Finish creating role, and set name as fastapilambdarole.
  • AWSLambdaVPCAccessExecutionRole: Permission to connect our Lambda function to a VPC.
  • AWSLambdaBasicExecutionRole: Permission to upload logs to CloudWatch.
  • aws access postgres using psequel

  • Select AWS service as type, and choose Lambda and use case.
  • In order to proceed with set-up and deployment, AWS CLI and SAM need to be installed and configured on your machine. Setup (linux) Install and configure AWS CLI and SAM
  • template.yml: essentially the recipe for deploying the project to AWS.
  • requirements.txt: requirements to install when project is built using sam.
  • pre-commit.yaml: config file for pre-commit tool
  • routers/: folder containing subsets of routes.
  • schemas.py: pydantic models specified, which I believe dictates the output format when API is called.
  • database.py: sets up connection with PostgreSQL.
  • aws access postgres using psequel

  • crud.py: specifies crud (create, read, update, delete) actions.
  • The format of the collected data is not ideal, so I aim to clean this data, store it indefinitely on AWS in RDS, and make it available via FastAPI so that others can use the data for analysis. I participate in a "fitness challenge" where players log daily points. Essentially, I catered his project to my specific needs, and added the ability to connect to a PostgreSQL database. He also provided sage advice when I got stuck in a few places. I followed his tutorial to have a successful first basic deployment. The AWS technologies used in production are:

    aws access postgres using psequel

    To connect with SequelPro, specify the localPort from earlier (1234), and connect through localhost ( using your RDS username and password. For convenience, I’d recommend setting up an alias for this command. Running this command “opens” the ssh tunnel, which I can now use. These are the credentials you use to ssh into your web server (ec2) -i identity (key file)Įxample ssh -N -L 1234.com:3306 -i ~/.ssh/AwesomeServerKey.pem the username and the remote instance your tunnel will connect to the database through. For PostgreSQL databases, the default is 5432. rdsHost your RDS endpoint (url) remotePort the port your remote database listens to for connections. You can set this to any available port such as 1234, 3306 and so on. This is a template of the command: ssh -N -L localPort:rdsHost:remotePort -i ~/path/to/keyĮxplanation -N do not execute a remote command (useful for forwarding ports) -L forward localPort to remotePort localPort the port your local database connects to. We will map a local port, to the remote port RDS listens to for connections, and connect to RDS through the Webserver that hosts your application, and already has access to RDS.

    aws access postgres using psequel

    This guide will help you set up an SSH Tunnel, and then use it to connect to your remote RDS instance through Sequel Pro, or the Terminal.Īs always, please leave a comment if you have any issues with this guide, and I’ll do my best to help out.Įssentially what we will do, is connect to RDS through a Webserver that already has access to the database. However, IPs constantly change, so very quickly this will become a chore. Write inbound rules to allow an IP to connect to RDS (IP Whitelist).There’s two common ways one can connect to RDS:

    Aws access postgres using psequel